Friday, October 9, 2009


So I guess I will give you a quick update on my life before I head to bed. Well I have 2 more weeks of hunting camp left then it will be back to Texas with me. I am ready for this change, I have been in Colorado for almost 6 months and work can be slightly stressful out here. I have been expected to take a leadership role and expected to do things that I didn't know I was suppose to do. I currently spend most of my day between doing dishes and doing office work, I would much rather be outside cutting something down or building something, yall know me so you get my drift. I am just tired of 'good workers' complaining about everything they have to do, and telling me they know how to do something then whe it comes time for them to do it they say they can't, and I have to pick up the pieces.

Anyways, i am looking at buying a house in Trinity, I put a bid on it on Monday and am waiting to hear from my realtor whether the seller has accepted it. It is a little 3/2 with a gameroom on a little lot and I can see the lake from the front porch. I miss all of my friends that I never get to see or even really talk to.

I am trying not to roast in my room tonight, the staff has started a fire in our stove and it is nasty dry hot in the lounge, but if I keep my window open all night I may will be in the teens tonight.

Well I guess that is all for now...

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Here we go.....

Well I guess it is time for an update…..what do you think?

I have been working for AEI as a trainer for 6 weeks and in that time I have been to 4 different states and a large handful of East Texas towns. I have spent time in Mississippi at Ole Miss and had a great time with those students up there in the freezing weather. I drove through Louisiana twice (tried to go as fast as I could to get through that state). Spent a couple of days in Tennessee over at Land between the Lakes, it was a great place. Oh and we (Leche and I, Leche is another trainer) stopped to check out the bison on our way to Kentucky. So I also spent sometime in Kentucky up at John James Audubon State Park in Henderson, Kentucky. It still looked like a wreck, i was there a week after the huge ice storm they had. On our way through Tennessee to Kentucky we stopped by one of AE’s hunting guides place, it was beautiful…..with white tail deer everywhere.

So I am having tons of fun and learning a lot. I am never at my apartment and that is ok. I never get to see Zeke and I miss him tons. I also never really get to talk to any of my friends and well that is really not abnormal, because that is just the way my world is. AE is a family and fun to work for, it is a great Christian company. As a company and family we come together and pray everyday it always turns into a good time of fellowship.

I am a trainer out of Texas for 6 months and I am up at our camp in Colorado for 6 months. Now being one of the full-time staff members that work in Colorado there is so much that I am responsible for on top of trainings, testing and inspecting. For example today I did an inspection in Huntsville and went back to the office and spent a good portion of the afternoon picking out t-shirt designs for camp. And I ended up being consumed by creating an equipment list for a course bid.

Ok so that whole mess may not make sense to you but just know that I am having fun and I miss you!!